This blog will answer the question, “What are some of the questions discussed regarding the differences between the ISTJ and INTP on Reddit?”. It will list some of the traits of the ISTJ and INTP according to research, explain what Reddit is, and discuss some of the questions discussed regarding the differences between the ISTJ and INTP on Reddit.
Some of the most frequently discussed questions regarding the differences between the ISTJ and INTP on Reddit are as follows:
● How would you tell the difference between an ISTJ and INTP? (scenario wise, I don’t know which I am)
● ISTJ or INTP? Let me try this again.
● ISTJ men, what do you think about INTP women?
● Any INTP and ISTJ pairing?
What are some of the questions discussed regarding the differences between the ISTJ and INTP on Reddit?
The following are some of the most frequently asked and discussed questions on the differences between the ISTJ and INTP:
How would you tell the difference between an ISTJ and INTP? (scenario wise, I don’t know which I am)
“Easy, ISTJs will only discuss topics on a surface level. INTPs will dive deep.”
“Obvious stereotyping, but I don’t think many INTPs would remind teachers about forgotten homework assignments for the reasons you gave or want to be a hall monitor to enforce school rules.”
“If you are terrified of crowds, and uncertainty, then you are ISTJ. If you fear rejection, then you are INTP.”
“Why don’t you use direct definitions: N means you want to use newer methods. J means you plan the trip beforehand.”
ISTJ men, what do you think about INTP women?
“I’m an INTP male who married an ISTJ female if it makes any difference.”
“It can be frustrating at times, but we love each other fiercely.”
“……..we matched well, similar to the above, debating and refining her ideas, and once focused, our projects achieved success and acclaim from other team members/division…..”
“…..quite possibly the best physical and mental match I’ve ever experienced. In retrospect, I can say this was due to her maturity and her fascinating mind. Distance and other factors however complicated the relationship and I ended it.”
“….this is a new relationship with a less mature INTP. The curiosity is there, however, the lack of focus and maturity is extremely vexing to me.”
“My SO is an INTP and we’ve been together for more than 5 years. We get along quite well and conversations with her are never boring….”
“I do get overwhelmed at times by all her (INTP) ideas and jumping from one thought to another but I got used to it and now it’s just part of our dynamics.”
ISTJ or INTP? Let me try this again.
“ISTJ, although I would agree you have some outlying INTP qualities. Unlike popular opinion, ISTJs don’t like always being in control, they just don’t want a project to turn out awful.”
“INTP and ISTJ are very far apart so if you have it narrowed down to these two, it should be easy.”
“……you sound more INTP…..I could see you being many types and we would want to narrow down the possibilities.”
“Personally I find the best way to identify your type is for you to do it yourself. It may take years before you really understand the system to become confident in what type you are (You can waver between thinking you are this or that type like many people do while learning).”
“What would be most helpful at this point would be to find your enneagram. Sometimes it is much easier for someone to find their enneagram than their functions since the enneagram has to do with your motivations…..”
“….if you have any knowledge of the cognitive functions you can tell us about which ones you believe yourself to use, and the reasons behind your choices.”
Any INTP and ISTJ pairing?
“I am ISTJ/f dating INTP/m for 3 years now. But my friend, I have to tell, it hasn’t been easy at all. I believe his strong commitment in explaining and analyzing everything in a sense of logic is crashing my S. And I believe the only reason ISTJ/f is trying to avoid casual conversation is because they don’t know how to….”
“As for mine, I’m an ISTJ/m who dated an INTP/f for two years. We met online and clicked instantly. She thought my intensity and aloofness was charming, as much as I enjoyed her curiosity and offbeat sense of humor. Due to unusual circumstances, I ended up mostly moving in with her after two weeks of dating, and we quickly established a very comfortable roommate routine. We survived several life changes and only split [amicably] when I left the state to pursue rock stardom with my band…..”
“I recently broke up with an INTP/m. We were together for 5 years before I made the call. I am an ISTJ/f.”
“I don’t want to discourage you, but hopefully you can learn from my experience. Everything I describe below is not representative of you. It’s what I experienced being with this particular INTP…….it didn’t work out because I wanted more affection and he provided none, there was his lack of follow through, and disregard for time……”
“……we lived together for 4 years and he never cleaned up and to me it was a huge frustration because I felt like I was taking care of a kid. ISTJs like equality and fairness.”
“INTP/m here. Have dated 2 ISTJ/f, and am currently talking to another. The first two crashed and BURNED.”
What are some of the traits of the ISTJ and INTP according to research?
Traits of the ISTJ:
● They are earnest.
● They are very thorough.
● They are very routine-oriented.
● Have a no-nonsense attitude.
● They do their tasks coherently by scheduling all activities carefully.
● They always finish what they start.
● Any deviations from their plans are unwelcome unless there are proper reasons.
● The ISTJ is very dutiful.
● They enjoy doing background and support work making things happen for others.
● They are focused.
● They enjoy being alone.
● They are strong-willed.
● They are very persevering.
● An ISTJ is very conservative.
● They hate taking risks.
● Faithfully honor all their commitments.
Traits of the INTP:
● They are complicated.
● They are vague.
● They are very detail-oriented.
● People have a difficult time understanding them or their needs.
● INTPs value their privacy.
● Do not like to attract any unnecessary attention.
● Their introverted nature compels them to avoid crowds and people.
● INTPs do not do well in mundane and repetitive tasks but thrive in constantly changing environments.
● They are very independent and go to great lengths to attain personal freedom.
● They are autonomous.
● Do not like to be micromanaged.
● They struggle with expressing their emotions.
What is Reddit?
Reddit is a social news, web content rating, and online discussion forum. Registered members submit content to the site such as questions, links, and images. These can then be voted up or down by other members.
Users are free to share their thoughts and opinions on various subjects and topics. They have lengthy online discussions that are usually helpful and educative for each other.
This blog answered the question, “What are some of the questions discussed regarding the differences between the ISTJ and INTP on Reddit?”. It listed some of the traits of the ISTJ and INTP according to research, explained what Reddit is, and discussed some of the questions discussed regarding the differences between the ISTJ and INTP on Reddit.
Some of the most frequently discussed questions are:
● How would you tell the difference between an ISTJ and INTP? (scenario wise, I don’t know which I am)
● ISTJ or INTP? Let me try this again.
● ISTJ men, what do you think about INTP women
● Any INTP and ISTJ pairing?
Frequently asked questions:
What are peoples’ opinions on the differences between the ISTJ and INTP on Reddit?
Why are ISTJs so boring?
ISTJs only become boring if they become sedentary and unoccupied for too long with nothing practical to do, the ISTJ will become very bored and boring.
Are INTP and ISTJ compatible?
No, INTP and ISTJ are not compatible because the ISTJ is a compliant, rule-abiding close-minded individual while the INTP is a non-compliant, thrill-seeking, and extremely open-minded individual. This relationship would be very turbulent as opposite forces would be trying to see eye to eye.
Who Should an INTP marry?
The INTP’s natural partner is the ENTJ. The INTP’s dominant function of Introverted Thinking is best matched with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Thinking.
What do INTP hate?
The INTP hates the following things:
● People trying to control them.
● Being forced to deal with lots of details.
● Mundane and routine activities.
● Having to make a decision before exploring all their options and possibilities.
● Disruption of their alone time.
● Being told that what they know is wrong.
● Being in crowds.
● Being shackled by responsibility.
Do INTPs like music?
Yes, INTPs love music and are fascinated by it.
Who Should an ISTJ marry?
The ISTJ’s natural partner is the ESFP. ISTJ’s dominant function of Introverted Sensing is best matched with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Sensing.
‘ISTJ vs INTP’ Retrieved from
Clawson J, G, (2008), ‘Myers-Briggs Type Indicator’, Retrieved from
‘Comparison of Insights Discovery System to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator report’, retrieved from