This blog will cover topics like who is Bella Swan, her struggle with depression, what exactly does the term is present, its symptoms, causes, treatment, and frequently asked questions.
Did Bella Swan Have Depression?
Yes, Bella showed various signs and symptoms of depression after she was abandoned by Edward Cullen in the forest.
She shows major sadness, disinterest in anything around her, being lost in her thoughts, etc. after Edwards leaves her and she retreats herself to her bedroom and keeps looking out the window.
We will discuss Bella’s depression in detail in the further sections but before that let us understand who Bella Swan is and then get to her symptoms of depression.
Who is Bella Swan?
Isabella Marie Swan-Cullen is the main character and protagonist of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novel series. Bella is married to Edward Cullen Jr., and they have a human-vampire hybrid daughter named Renesmee Cullen.
Nobody can blame Bella Swan for being miserable. Bella (Kristin Stewart) is living a nightmare in “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” the highly anticipated sequel to the tween vampire romance “Twilight.”
Bella swan and representation of her depression in Twilight
Bella’s vampire boyfriend, Edward Cullen (the legendary adolescent idol Robert Pattinson), deserts her in the forest at the start of the film. Bella becomes a complete hermit after losing her soul mate.
The picture is propelled by great action sequences, visual effects, and Pattinson’s striking good looks, yet the film’s central theme is teenage sadness.
When young girls line up to drool over Bella and Edward this weekend, they’ll also get a genuine glimpse at their heroine’s emotional breakdown, who suffers from a condition that is far more frequently than thought among teenage females in our nation.
Although depression is tough to address at any age, the issue is surely worth discussing since, according to the National Institutes of Health, one in every twelve teenagers in the United States is depressed or suicidal.
“There was a 114 percent spike in suicide and depression levels amongst tween-age females alone last year, which is very concerning.”
Bella has a textbook case of severe depression, which was precipitated after Edward abandons her inside the wilderness. “You don’t want me anymore?” she asks herself, stunned.
According to Mary Commerford, director of the Furman Counseling Center at Barnard College, “people [like Bella] don’t get furious at another person, they get angry with themselves, [and] this self-attacking posture develops self-loathing and low self-worth, which may lead to depression.”
Following Edward’s disappearance, there are warning flags in Bella’s conduct that go mostly missed by her friends and family. She sits at her workstation in solitude, staring out her apartment window.
Outside, the seasons change, and the names of the fall or winter flash across the screen.
“Normally a gregarious kid, her shift in behavior lasts longer than a month, which should have raised a red signal for her father,” said Borba.
Bella has unpleasant dreams on a regular basis, & her father Charlie (Billy Burke) hurries to her side to rouse and soothe her. He reaches a breaking point as a result of his lack of sleep.
Bella doesn’t go for therapy
“You’re returning to Jacksonville alongside your mother,” he announces. When Bella objects, he persuades her that Edward “isn’t returning” for her, and she accepts, but when he proposes she visit a therapist, she rejects the notion, lying about her community interaction and pretending to have companions. Borba believes Charlie should really have insisted on Bella going to treatment at that moment.
What exactly is depression?
Depression is a common mental illness affecting around 8% of people in the United States. It affects all aspects of your life, from how you view it to how you live and connect. Not only can depression impair people’s ability to appreciate enjoyment, but it also causes them to endure deep, unrelenting sadness.
People lose trust in things they used to like, withdraw from ordinary connections, lose or gain weight for no apparent reason, and suffer a variety of health problems.
Depression causes exhaustion and sluggishness. It also impairs one’s ability to engage in anything, particularly once-enjoyable activities (anhedonia). Even if they are napping much more than usual, sadness can cause a human’s activity levels to decrease.
Symptoms of depression
Symptoms last at least 2 weeks before such a depression diagnosis may be made. The most common side effects in each category are as follows:
- Extreme sadness, which happens repeatedly on a daily basis and is usually unconnected to any clear cause
- In the absence of any cause, feelings of responsibility or meaninglessness
- Interest in formerly rewarding activities has waned (anhedonia)
- Feeling isolated or unable to engage in activities or interests that formerly captivated your interest
- a feeling of emptiness
- Excessive worrying and rumination
- Anxiety is at an all-time high.
- Cognitive Irritability:
- The fog in the head (muddled thinking)
- Problems with concentration, inability to focus one’s thoughts
- a shorter attention span
- Memory issues are rather prevalent.
- Negative attitude (“it’s all my fault,” “nothing else will change, nothing will mend”).
- Suicidal ideation
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
Aspects of physical and behavioral health:
- Continual energy deficiency
- Restlessness
- Slower movements, difficulties with or a decrease in the rate at which simple physiological actions are done (psychomotor retardation)
- Sleep disturbances Withdrawal from social settings
- Self-isolation
If you’re having problems with: It’s quite normal to experience delusions regarding the symptoms of depression if you’re having trouble with:
- Getting out of bed in the morning or off the couch to conduct household chores such as cooking, cleaning, and washing
- Showering and other basic hygienic practices while working on a project or finishing an academic project
- These issues may make you feel as if you’re squandering your time, but there’s more out there.
According to Lira de la Rosa, some people may “overpopulate themselves to the point of tiredness and experience despair as a result.”
Causes of depression
A variety of factors, including the following, might raise the likelihood of depression:
- Abuse, whether physical, sexual, or emotional, might make you more prone to depression later in life.
- Elderly people are more likely to suffer from depression. Other variables, like as residing alone and low social support, might exacerbate this.
- Some medications, such as Accutane (used to treat acne), interferon-alpha (an antiviral medicine), and corticosteroids, might raise your chances of depression.
- Personal problems or disagreements with relatives or acquaintances might lead to depression in those who are biologically vulnerable to it.
- Though normal, sadness or grief following the death or losing a loved one might affect the risk of despair.
- Women are almost twice as likely as males to get depression. Nobody knows why. The hormonal fluctuations that women experience at various stages of life may play an impact.
- A history of depression in the family may raise the risk. Depression is regarded to be a complex characteristic, which means that there are likely many separate genes, each with a little influence, instead of a single factor that contributes to illness risk.
- Depression’s genetics, like other mental disorders, are not as simple or uncomplicated as in solely hereditary defects such as Huntington’s chorea or cystic fibrosis.
- Significant occurrences Even positive events, such as beginning a new job, finishing, or marrying, can contribute to sadness.
- Moving, losing a job or money, getting divorced, or retirement can all have an impact. Clinical depression, on the other hand, is never merely a “natural” reaction to stressful life circumstances.
- Other personal issues. Social isolation caused by various mental diseases, as well as being thrown out of a family and social group, can all increase the chance of developing severe depression.
- Severe illnesses. Depression can occur alongside a serious disease or be precipitated by another health condition.
Grief and Depression
Grief is a frequent and natural reaction to loss. The death or split of a loved one, the loss of a job, the death or loss of a cherished pet, or any variety of other life upheavals, such as divorce, being an “empty nester,” or retirement, can all cause sadness.
Anyone can encounter grief and loss, and some may not experience clinical depression. Clinical depression differs from grief in that it includes a variety of other symptomatology such as depression and low self, bad emotions about the future, and suicidal ideation, whereas grief encompasses feelings of emptiness, loss, and yearning for a loved one, with a preserved ability to feel pleasure. Each person’s approach to dealing with these emotions is unique.
Treatment of depression
You may be able to control your symptoms with only one method of therapy, or you may discover that a mix of therapies works best for you.
Combining medical treatments with lifestyle therapies is frequent, and includes the following:
Your doctor may advise you to use the following medications:
- Inhibitors of selective serotonin reuptake (SSRIs)
- The most widely used antidepressant drugs, SSRIs, have few adverse effects. They work to alleviate depression by boosting the accessibility of the chemical serotonin in the brain.
- SSRIs should not be used with certain medications, including mao inhibitors (MAOIs) and, in some situations, enshrine or Orap (pimozide).
Pregnant women should consult with their doctors about the hazards of using SSRIs during pregnancy. If you have narrow-angle glaucoma, you should likewise exercise.
Citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil, Paxil XR, Pexeva), and sertraline are examples of SSRIs (Zoloft).
Inhibitors of serotonin and norepinephrine absorption (SNRIs)
SNRIs cure depression by boosting the chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.
MAOIs and SNRIs must not be taken together. If you have liver or renal issues, or if you have narrow-angle glaucoma, you should use caution.
Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq, Khedezla), duloxetine (Cymbalta, Irenka), levomilnacipran (Fetzima), milnacipran (Savella), and venlafaxine are examples of SNRIs (Effexor XR).
Working with a therapist might help you discover coping methods for unpleasant emotions. Parents or group therapy may also be beneficial.
Psychotherapy, sometimes known as “talk therapy,” is when a person talks to a skilled therapist about the circumstances that lead to their psychiatric disorder, such as depression.
Cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT)
A therapist works with you to discover problematic thought patterns and explain how they may be producing detrimental behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs to yourself in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
Your therapist may give you “homework” in which you practice replacing negative ideas with more positive ones.
“The Twilight Saga: New Moon” might spark a discussion between adolescent girls and their families about important issues such as happiness, love, sadness, and suicide. Bella’s perfect ending is far from reality.
Therefore, it is important to stay aware of depression and get the treatment as sooner as one thinks they are having the signs and symptoms
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Did Bella Swan Have Depression?
Why am I so tired and unmotivated to accomplish anything?
Depression can manifest itself as a loss of energy and drive. If you require assistance, contact a mental health professional. They might be able to tell you whether there’s something else causing your sadness.
Is it possible for depression to sap your energy?
Depression and tiredness have a strong relationship. Feeling too weary to do anything is undoubtedly a typical occurrence for many who suffer from depression. When you’re depressed, your energy levels drop, and you may have feelings of melancholy and emptiness.
How can I rekindle my passion for life?
8 Mental Hacks to Restore Your Drive and Motivation :
- Concentrate on inner motivation.
- Make use of your larger purpose.
- Get rid of the negativity.
- Stop second-guessing yourself.
- Make a connection with your ideals.
- Set aside one day every week for your passion project.
- Recall pleasant recollections.
- Understand how you’re assisting people.
Will antidepressants help me become more motivated?
This is due to the fact that antidepressants can boost your energy and motivation, which may be low while you’re sad. You may feel more energized and motivated early in your therapy before your depressive symptoms have begun to fade.
How can I tell if I’m stressed?
Stress-related emotional symptoms include: Easily becoming irritated, frustrated, and grumpy. Whelmed, as if you’re going crazy or need to assert yourself. Have difficulty resting and quieting your mind?
How can I stay stress-free?
Eat a very well diet, get adequate sleep, and engage in regular physical activity. Practice self-relaxation. To relieve stress, try muscular relaxing, respiration or meditative practices, prayer, yoga, or swimming. Spend time in nature or listening to soothing music.