Category: Depression
Nobody likes me (+How depression causes you to think that)
This article will explain why people that are depressed usually have the notion that people don’t like them. Through that, the article will show how the mind of a person that is depressed is constantly focusing on the negative, and how this is also influenced by their low self-esteem. Aside from that, the article will…
Nostalgia and depression(+Understanding the relation)
This article will explain what is nostalgia and what is depression, as well as it will explain what is the relationship between the two. How people with depression might become more nostalgic, as well as how people that are often nostalgic tend to get depressed. What is depression? Depression is a mental illness that affects…
Post-rave depression (+What it is and how to cope)
This article will discuss what is post-rave depression. For that, it will explain what a rave is, and why you may get post-rave depression. Asked from that, the article will discuss what are ways you can cope with post-rave depression. What is post-rave depression? Post-rave depression is the sadness you can experience after you attend…
Post-show depression (+What it is and how to deal)
This article will discuss what post-shows depression is. It will clarify why this concept was created, how and when people experience it. Along with that, the article will show in what ways it relates to depression, and what ways people may cope with post-show depression. What is Post-show depression? Post-show depression is not a clinical…
What is post-weekend depression? (+How to handle it)
This article will discuss what is post-weekend depression, how it can happen, and what are signs you are going through it. Along with that, the article will show ways people can cope with post-weekend depression. What is post-weekend depression? Post-weekend depression is not a clinical condition, but it is the blues you feel when you…
How to regain confidence after depression
This article will discuss how a person can regain confidence after dealing with depression. For that, the article will explain how depression can impact the person’s view of themselves, and what are ways to regain a positive view of yourself when you feel better from depression. How does depression affect your confidence? Depression can affect…
Why are rich people so depressed?
Although it might be hard to believe, rich people are largely depressed. This article will discuss the belief that if people have all they want, they would never have a reason to be sad, let alone depressed. It will show as well what are the main reasons rich people get depressed, ad how they usually…
Can romantic rejection cause depression?
This article will discuss how romantic rejection can impact people, and how it can lead to depression. For that, the article will explain what depression is, and how rejection sensitivity can cause people to have trouble in their relationships. Aside from that, the article will explain how people can deal better with rejection. Can romantic…
What is Post-Anime depression? (+3 coping tips)
This article will discuss what post-anime depression is. For that, it will show what causes it, what are the most common signs of it, and how people can cope with post-anime depression. What is Post-anime depression? Post-anime depression is a sadness one may experience once one finishes an anime. But this is not a clinical…
Thom Yorke has depression (+WHat he said)
This article will discuss if Thom Yorke, the lead singer of Radiohead, is depressed. For that, the article will show what he has said previously about his mental health condition in interviews, and what has appeared in his work. Is Thom Yorke depressed? Yes, Thom Yorke has battled depression for quite some time. Thom, the…
I’m tired of living (+5 coping tips)
This article will discuss how depression can make you feel like you are tired of living. For that, the article will explain what depression is, its main symptoms, and how it can make you feel fatigued, and without energy. Along with that, the article will disclose what are ways to cope with these feelings. What…
Depression after losing virginity (+Why it can happen)
This article will discuss why people can experience depression right after they lose their virginity. For that, the article will explain what virginity is, how losing can affect you emotionally, and in what ways it affects your body. Can people feel depressed after they lose their virginity? Yes, losing your virginity can make you feel…