Can an ENTP Commit? (5 ways to find out)

In this brief guide, we will look at the question “Can an ENTP commit”, and also look at some other issues surrounding the ENTP personality type and relationships.

Can an ENTP Commit?

Yes, an ENTP can commit if they feel deeply about the person, and they truly and really want to be with them, but it is entirely possible that for them to reach a level of commitment, ENTP may have to go through some hurdles and major introspection.

It has been observed that ENTPs tend to have commitment issues but these are not usually so strong or so bad that they absolutely cannot be overcome, because if there is one thing the ENTP is not, it is a quitter, and when provided with an array of choices steeped in logic, they will consider just about anything.

Even if the ENTP commits, they may often be consumed with an overwhelming feeling to flee from relationships when they get boring, which they often might for the ENTP as they all abut the feelings and being with the person and the ENTP tends to leave situations where they feel they have no more headway to make anymore and there’s nothing to learn.

What can help the ENTP commit is to be with someone who prioritizes commitments they are more likely to tolerate the fact that the ENTP tends to get bored in the relationship and they may be mindful of that and not let things get too dull.

Going off of that point, the ENTP may also be more likely to commit to people who are not looking for just the warm glow of companionship and are interested in living full, rich lives that are all about learning and experiencing and talking.

The ENTP needs to keep things interesting to commit to just about anything, whether it is a job or a relationship.

The ENTP may also feel like they should commit when they are with someone who has grounding qualities and confidence in the strength of their relationship, and they may need to repeat the mantra that the ENTP loves them over and over again to themselves when things get rough.

The ENTP may also find it hard to commit to someone who struggles with decisiveness, as they may walk all over them and they like things to be challenging and for people to stand up for themselves and their points of view.

Another possible reason why the ENTP is notorious for not being able to commit is that much like the Enneagram 8 personality, the ENTP is very afraid of losing their total control and they are terrified of being controlled, which they may assume is going to happen if they commit. 

When the ENTP realizes that a relationship is about being equal partners and companions and that there is no power structure or control involved, they may get over their fear of being controlled and feel that they are safe and be able to commit.

ENTP: Bored in Relationships?

It is a commonly held belief in the Myers Briggs Forums and Myers Briggs Communities, that the ENTP has a tendency to get bored in relationships, likely due to the fact that their feelings are introverted and they feel the need to leave a situation once they have gotten all the learning out of it.

The ENTP also wants new experiences and stimulation for their intellect and one person may have trouble satiating their intellectual need, and at the same time most personality types may mellow out in relationships, cursing a decline in the conversation bit of relationship that so often marks the beginnings.

Once the conversation becomes more casual and normal, and the stimulating back and forth of the beginning takes a backseat, the ENTP may start to feel antsy and itchy to leave.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

Esther Perel, a marriage therapist, explains why boredom even happens in a marriage or relationship, and she says that men and women feel boredom in relationships differently and boredom can have many facets in either’s case.

Esther explains that what wanting something and desiring something are often two different things, for instance, we may want to be close to someone, we might want to be certain of something and we may want a degree of familiarity.

However, what we truly desire in a relationship may be mystery, spontaneity, and unpredictability, and chances are that these are also things the ENTP seems to be looking for all the time.

Our desires and wants are so different yet these may be confused all the time, and while these two are fundamentally incompatible as one, they can still be used in the ebbs and flows of the relationship interchangeably.

Esther explains that boredom is developed often when we lose our sense of self in the other person, which tends to happen when we have spent very long with someone, and as familiarity sets in the mystery goes out.

We may do everything with that person and expect everything out of them in return, which may not be the best way forward, and chances are the ENTP feels this way, and wants to keep pursuing other activities they love and growing independently as well as together.

Personal growth is paramount to the ENTP who values intellectual and other learning so much, and feeling like complacency of some sort is setting into their lives may feel like a death sentence to them and they may either not commit or get bored in the relationship.

ENTP in Love

An ENTP in love will be consumed with wanting to know more and more about their partner and treat them like the world’s best mystery, enjoying everything they learn about them and relishing all their conversations and talking all the time.

The ENTP in love may be a fantastic person to talk to because they will always want to listen and provide input, they will always be willing to take the partner’s point of view on things and they may make the partner feel like their voice is the most important thing in the world, because to the ENTP, it is.

ENTP loves opinionated people and they are unlikely to fall in love with someone who does not have strong opinions and ideas, even if they are not as argumentative or extroverted as the ENTP, and they will want to share these ideas very much when they are in love with the person.

ENTP also likes personal growth so when an ENTP is in love they will want to be as amazing as they can to the partner and they will make sure that they learn everything there is to learn about relationships and their partner.

ENTPs in love may always be thinking of what else they can do, asking themselves questions like, ‘How can I make this relationship better?’ ‘How can I improve things in the household?’ ‘What can I do to relate to my children better?’.

The pursuit of betterment that the ENTP is always on bodes well for any relationship they are in.

However, sometimes the ENTP in love may forget that their partners may feel suffocated if they constantly have to think like the ENTP, as not everyone wants to get better all the time and not everyone cares as much about growth as the ENTP does.

ENTPs are direct and even when they are in love they may forget sometimes that they are capable of being blunt and honest to the point where it may hurt others, and in relationships that can be cause for problems.

The ENTP in love may also sometimes struggle to not be bored and keep things interesting and they tend to love the beginning of things when they still have a lot to learn, but the minute they feel like they have squeezed all the learning out of a situation, they will feel bored and no matter how deeply in love they are they may want to run.


ENTP men tend to be argumentative and opposed to arbitrary and unnecessary rules, and they may be innately curious about everything and everyone.

  • ENTP males may often hurt people close to them because like most ENTPs they tend to be very blunt and honest, and they may forget that not everyone is like that.
  • The ENTP man also loves to explore, and they may always be looking for new possibilities and becomes frustrated if they are stagnant for too long. 
  • They may be afraid of commitment because the ENTP male simply cannot find themselves happy in a relationship with someone who does not challenge them in some ways and does not desire growth.
  • The ENTP men tend to be logical to a fault but they also have enough emotions to make sure that they don’t act like robots or sociopaths.


In this brief guide, we looked at the question “Can an ENTP commit”, and also looked at some other issues surrounding the ENTP personality type and relationships. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have about this subject or any suggestions you have for topics you would like to see covered.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Can an ENTP commit?

Who Should an Entp marry?

The ENTP should marry someone like an INFJ, who has introverted intuition to complement the ENTPs extroverted intuition.

On the basis of their function stacks, ENTPs can also marry someone like INFJ.

What Entp looks for in a relationship?

The ENTP looks for change and growth in a relationship, as they do in all other walks of life.

The ENTP needs to be in a relationship with a partner who is not afraid of their argumentative tendencies and has their own points of view and is able to hold their own in an argument.

Do ENTPs get bored in relationships?

Yes, ENTPs do tend to get bored in relationships, especially if the partner is more focused on the companionship and emotions and forgets to challenge the ENTP intellectually and capture their attention like they used to.

ENTP needs to be a relationship with a partner who appreciates self-improvement and wants the relationship to be involved in constant growth, otherwise, the ENTP may get bored and want to leave.

ENTP does not get into relationships for comfort like so many other people, they do so because they have met someone who thinks like them and does not find them intimidating or annoying like others, and the partner needs to remind them of that.

Are ENTPs dangerous?

ENTPs are not dangerous but they may seem that way as they are smart and capable of expressing their views very well.

The typical ENTP may seem argumentative for the sake of it but they are actually very good at seeing everyone’s point of view and appreciate opinions, which makes them not dangerous or villainous.


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