Can a Person be Both INFJ and INFP? (a complete guide)
In this brief guide, we will look at some possible answers to the question “Can a person be both an INFJ and INFP?”, as well as other concepts related to these two personality types.
Can a Person be Both INFJ and INFP?
No, a person cannot be both INFJ and INFP, due to their very different function stacks and personality types, and though these two personality types may sometimes seem similar due to their quiet attitudes and introverted tendencies, they can actually be quite different from each other.
The MBTI gives a lot of different personality types, and sometimes they may superficially seem like they are extremely similar or the same, but taking a look at the Jungian function stack that is the basis of a personality type may give someone good information about what that personality is supposed to look like.
The INFJ is supposed to be a more thinking type of personality and their dominant function is that of introverted intuition, whereas the dominant function of the INFP is introverted feeling, which alone makes a whole lot of difference.
To start with it means that INFJ is focused more on gathering and sorting through information and trying to assess what they have in an instinctual way, whereas the INFP is focused more on the feelings and beliefs that they hold close to their heart.
Additionally, another big difference in the INFJ and INFP function stack is that they have exactly opposite functions of intuition, and where the intuition function is extroverted in the INFP personality, it is introverted in the INFJ, which makes a huge difference to the information that a person will attend to or work with.
7 ways to tell INFJ and INFP apart
While the INFJ and INFP personalities may look very similar on the surface there are some ways to tell them apart, and here is a summary of 7 ways to tell INFJ and INFP apart easily:
- INFJ is analytical and precise whereas the INFP is artistic and imaginative.
- INFP is rooted, deeply, in fantasy and has a dreaminess about them; whereas the INF tends to be more rooted in the real world and may care more about real things.
- INFP is more people-oriented than INFJ, who may be goal-oriented.
- INFJ tends to be more practical and values-based while the INFP is more open-minded.
- The INFJ likes to think about things before they share their ideas; the INFP may want to share in the process of thinking about the ideas.
- INFJ cares more about the harmony in the group, whereas the INFP cares more about the harmony within themselves.
- INFP may spend a great deal of time in the past, the INFJ may be more in the present.
To further analyze if a person can be both INFJ and INFP, one needs to look at the function stacks of the two personalities, as those are the main ways in which one can tell which personality type they are.
INFJ Function Stack
The INFJ function stack may be abbreviated as NiFe, and the functions in this stack are layered as:
- Dominant: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
- Auxillary: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
- Tertiary: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
- Inferior: Extraverted Sensing (Se)
The INFJ function stack is based on the Jungian function stacks and according to the functions shown here, the INFJ personality gives precedence to their inner world over the outer world.
The introverted intuition function is the dominant one in the INFJ function stack and it is responsible for the way the inner world of the INFJ works, and it does this by working towards the storage of information and the eventual perception of the stored information.
The information in the inner world of the INFJ which is stored by their dominant function is stored in a spread-out manner, and the focus is on making networks and forming connections between the various pieces of the puzzle.
An apt analogy to this kind of information storage may be a dense web-like mass, where all the nodes are connected to other meaningful nodes, and the perception of this information may feel like “gut-feeling”.
The INFJ may seem like they are in a dreamy state, but under that is a complex the decision-making process that involves more images and impressions than concrete facts and huge networks of information and knowledge upon which the judgment is based.
The next function, which is meant to help the dominant function, the extraverted feeling function which focuses on the communication between the INFJ and the rest of the world.
This function helps the INFJ process their emotions and feelings, as well as set up belief systems that will ultimately guide their behavior and tendencies, and because it is extroverted, unlike the dominant function Ni, it is primarily focused on other people and the environment around them.
INFJs tend to be quite into the idea of interpersonal relationships and they may always seem to be surveying and improving interpersonal feelings and morale, which is due to their extraverted feeling function.
The INFJ may often seem like they bring “good feelings” in the interpersonal environment, which is another result of the extraverted feeling function.
The third function of the INFJ function stack is Introverted thinking which leads the INFJ to interpret their intuitive connections in a sensible way, and it is a completely internal function and as a result, it is slow and deliberate.
Subconsciously the introverted thinking function helps the INFJ understand the connections they are making consciously and in the real world and therefore it is a valuable asset to the INFJ individual.
This function makes critical and analytical thinking possible and logic and assessment of situations to solve a problem is what it helps the INFJ to do well, but at the same time out of their awareness
The last function in the INFJ function stack, the extroverted sensing, helps provide the feeling of the world being stable, concrete, and structured to the INFJ and also helps their extroverted feeling function by making their surroundings clearer to them and lead them to appreciate beauty.
INFP Function Stack
The INFP function stack is based on the same Jungian theory of personality and consists of the following cognitive functions:
- Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
- Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
- Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
- Inferior function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)
The INFP function stack is abbreviated as FiNe, which provides information about the first two functions in the stack, which are introverted feeling and extroverted intuition.
The dominant function of the INFP personality puts them in touch with their own feelings and thoughts, and they may seem reflective and introspective, but at the same time, they are also quite in touch with their surroundings and environment.
This function, despite its name, does not actually refer to emotions or actual “Feeling”, but values that come from within the INFP individual.
The INFP is run predominantly by the introverted feeling function of their function stack which is actually the chief decision-making process that determines the actions and behavior of the INFP.
The Fi formulates the INFP’s moral code and belief system and it is also the primary reason behind why the INFP is more focused more inward than outward.
The INFP is also very considerate of others, and this is only one of the many contradictions in this personality type, which is actually because they treat others how they want to be treated and they know this well because of this function.
Due to the introverted decision-making process, the INFP may take a long time to go over their own beliefs to make sure they are making the right decision, and this process can make them very prone to introspection and reflection, which is great, but it can also take quite a bit of time and requires mental solitude, which may sometimes isolate these individuals and cut them off from those around them.
The second function of the INFP function stack gathers information by finding patterns and underlying principles in the ideas presented to them by the environment and forming connections between these even as they talk, write, or create.
The INFP function Ne when together with Fi will result in the tendency to want to explore values and ideals and it works in a main way by engaging with outside sources, which may mean that these individuals might like sources of new i
The third function, which is the introverted sensation function, makes sure that most of their knowledge and information is based on their personal experiences, which may make the INFP prone to being in the past and trying to recreate it a lot.
The last function in the INFP function stack runs more in the background or subconscious and may not develop until they are much older.
The extroverted thinking function is usually responsible for thinking in a very logic-oriented way of problem-solving, but since this is so low n the INFP function stack they may not use it as much.
16 Personalities: Types and Reviews
The 16 personalities website and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator has become a phenomenon since its inception and even though there are questions about its adequacy in the scientific community, it cannot be denied that it reflects a lot of people’s innermost tendencies in an accurate way.
Given below are the categories of the personality types in the 16 personalities test, and they are arranged in the order and type as given on the 16 personalities website, where they have categorized these types according to their primary functions.
The top part is the category name, followed by what main traits the personality type shows, and then the personality types that show those traits.
- Confident Individualism: Architect (Assertive), Logician (Assertive)
- People Mastery: Commander (Assertive), Debater (Assertive)
- Constant Improvement: Architect (Turbulent), Logician (Turbulent)
- Social Engagement: Commander (Turbulent), Debater (Turbulent)
- Confident IndividualismAdvocate (Assertive), Mediator (Assertive)
- People MasteryProtagonist (Assertive), Campaigner (Assertive)
- Constant ImprovementAdvocate (Turbulent), Mediator (Turbulent)
- Social EngagementProtagonist (Turbulent), Campaigner (Turbulent)
- Confident IndividualismLogistician (Assertive), Defender (Assertive)
- People MasteryExecutive (Assertive), Consul (Assertive)
- Constant ImprovementLogistician (Turbulent), Defender (Turbulent)
- Social EngagementExecutive (Turbulent), Consul (Turbulent)
Given below are some reviews of the 16 personalities test, which may inform you of the extent of its use.
“Thank you for helping me understand my personality, which has contributed to my life and relationships a lot. Much appreciated!”
“Really useful information. My son passed the test and I bought a profile for him. Now I understand how to communicate with him better and how to use peculiarities of his personality for his growth as a person.”
“I was honestly shocked by how accurate it was. I teared up a bit because it was like there was a person looking inside my mind and telling me what they saw.”
“I can’t believe how accurate this was… Word for word. I never felt so understood. I thought I was the only one of my kind.”
“It is undeniably eerie how the description and traits nailed me so thoroughly. Wish I had known about my personality type 20 years ago, that would have saved me much grief.”
In this brief guide, we looked at some possible answers to the question “Can a person be both an INFJ and INFP?”, as well as other concepts related to these two personality types. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Can a Person be Both INFJ and INFP?
Why are INFPs and INFJs so similar?
The INFJ and INFP may seem very similar because they are both idealistic, moralistic, misunderstood, and empathic.
INFJs and INFPs can be very different too though because they tend to have differences in their function stack.
Which is better INFP or INFJ?
Both INFP and INFJ personality types have their own unique pros and cons and therefore no one type is better. While the INFP is better at being fantastical and artistic, the INFJ is better at analytical thinking and being more in touch with people around.
Can you be both Infp and INTP?
No, you cannot be both INFP and INTP because both dominant functions from INTP and INFP are not the same.