Author: PsychReel
Suicidal thoughts and superman (+5 coping tips)
In this article, we will discuss two stories written about superman in which he prevents two women, both on the ledge of a building, from committing suicide. The article will explain what is suicide ideation, what a person that has been thinking about it goes through, the risk factors that can cause a person to…
Why don’t I feel alive?
In this article, it will be discussed what can cause a person to not feel alive, since it can be related to the way a person is living their life, or sometimes it is a sign that the a person is going through a mental illness and might need treatment. It will discuss what can…
Breakups and depression(+5 tips)
In this article it will be discussed if a breakup can cause depression and if so, how long does it go on. It will also tackle how it feels to end a relationship, how to deal with the heartbreak and grieving process that comes with it. Why one break up feels different from the other…
Adderall and depression (+Understanding the connection)
In this article, it will be discussed if there is a connection between the use of the medication Adderall and the appearance of symptoms of depression. To do that, it will show what is the chemical formula of the medication, how it works in the person’s body, its side effects, and when it is prescribed. …
John Lennon’s mental illness(+5 tips)
In this article, it will be discussed how John Lennon, The Beatles lead singer, lived with mental health issues, what were the behavior signs he might have had a mental health condition. The article will also show how a person dealing with them can be creative and be in the biggest band of all time.…
Winnie the Pooh and mental illness
This article will discuss the books of Winnie the Pooh, and how people have discussed over time that each of them demonstrates a mental illness. The article will discuss how depression and anxiety are portrayed in it, how they might manifest in a person’s life, and also the way that one can cope with them.…
My life seems pointless (+7 tips)
This article will discuss in what ways depression can cause a person to feel like their life is pointless. For that, the article will explain what depression is, how it affects a person’s worldview and relationships. It will also indicate in what ways people can cope with this feeling, and how social support can have…
Losing friends when depressed (+5 Tips)
This article will discuss what happens to the social relationships of a person when they are depressed. For that, it will explain what are the depression symptoms that can cause one to disconnect from their friends, and why sometimes it might be hard for friends to understand what a person with depression is going through.…
If I have depression, can I lie in MEPS?
This article will discuss what a person with depression can do during their MEPS process. For that, the article will explain what is the military view of people with mental illness, what are their recommendations, and what needs to be done by a person with mental health issues to be a part of the military.…
Being 50 and feeling depressed: (+how to deal with it)
In this article, we will discuss how it feels to turn 50 and feel depressed. We will go through how society sees people getting to their fifties, how aging influences the appearance of symptoms of depression, and what else, besides aging, can influence this surge. Aside from that, we will learn how genders deal with…
Are misanthropes depressed? (+Understanding how they feel)
This article will discuss if misanthropes are depressed. For that, the article will discuss what does it mean to be a misanthrope, what depression is, and why they can develop depression. Aside from that, the article will discuss are ways misanthrope people can cope with depression. Are misanthropes depressed? Misanthropes can be depressed. They are…
Is it normal to miss school because of anxiety?
This article will discuss if it is normal for a person with anxiety to miss school. For that, the article will explain what anxiety is, in what way it can impair a person’s life, how that can affect children, teenagers, and young adults in school years, and what are ways to treat and cope with…