Are ENFJ rare? (7 unique features)
In this article, we will answer the following question: Are ENFJ rare? We will describe the ENFJ personality type, and try to understand what makes them unique. We will also talk about the rarest personality type, according to the MBTI test.
Are Enfj rare?
ENFJs are among the rarest personality types, comprising only about 2-3% of the population. ENFJs are in tune with what others feel and really want those they care about to be happy. In whatever field they choose, Teachers consider people their highest priority. In return, they enjoy the pleasure that comes from feeling that they are helpful to others.
ENFJ is an extraordinary leader, both in groups of routine tasks and in groups of project development. The ENFJ’s characteristic is to believe that it will be followed, not doubting that people will do what it suggests. And because he has a rare charisma, he is often followed. Because he is always willing to cooperate, he values the cooperation of others.
It puts people as being of the utmost importance and priority. As a result, ENFJ may end up feeling responsible for the feelings of others, in such a way that it can make the relationship a burden.
ENFJ conveys affection, interest, and willingness to get involved and, therefore, people tend to seek your support. Sometimes, however, this type of demand can put pressure on you and you may feel that you are not so talented to endure this type of situation. It seems to be unable to avoid these demands, even when they become inadequate.
What makes ENFJs so unique?
ENFJ can be especially vulnerable to the idealization of interpersonal relationships, elevating them to plans that can rarely be sustained in reality. Because of this tendency to desire ideal interpersonal relationships, you can unintentionally suffocate others. The fact is, you must be incredibly tolerant of others, trustworthy, and rarely critical.
When the ENFJ discovers that their positions or beliefs are not understood or accepted, they are surprised, disconcerted, and, sometimes, hurt. Fortunately, this does not happen often, as you have an extraordinary fluency of language, especially in oratory. He prefers to communicate in person, instead of communicating in writing.
For being empathetic, ENFJ must have an unusual ability to relate, taking on the characteristics, emotions, and beliefs of others.
ENFJs do well in following their intuition, as it can be very well developed. However, decisions made without a logical basis may not be as solid for ENFJ; therefore, it is important that he confirms his perceptions with people with a strong logical tendency. Generally, they know what their preferences are and can understand other people extremely clearly.
Also, ENFJs tend to be socially correct and are excellent partners and spouses. He is devoted to his children and does not tend to be domineering either with them or with his spouse. In fact, ENFJ has such a good genius that he can fall victim to a spouse who becomes increasingly demanding. He always tries to please and feels personally responsible when his family life is not going well.
Tireless in his efforts to make everything work, the ENFJ can contribute to this generously with his financial availability, with his time, and with his energy. This dedication usually coexists side by side with the dream of a perfect relationship. Thus, ENFJ must dream of the ideal that sometimes results in vague dissatisfaction with anything that stands in the way of relationships.
All person-to-person occupations, in which personal contacts are involved, enhance their personality. They like to have activities set up and organized. He prefers to plan in advance both work commitments and social commitments and tends to be reliable in honoring those commitments.
He feels very comfortable in complex situations, which require the manipulation of a lot of data. At the same time, it can handle people with a lot of charm and interest.
ENFJ is generally popular wherever they are. Their ability to feel comfortable, leading or following, makes it easy to “get over it”, whatever the situation. As a leader, they can provide activities aimed at connecting people.
ENFJ strengths
- Tolerance
- Cooperation / Empathy
- Loyalty / Trust
- An attraction for new challenges
- Sociability / Persuasion.
Possible pitfalls for ENFJ
- Excessive idealization
- Overvaluing relationships
- Excessive self-criticism
- Ignore details
- “Forgive” too much.
ENFJ Functional Analysis
Extraverted feeling
The Extraverted Feeling dominates the ENFJs psyche. Under the influence of this rational function, these people are predisposed to end their affairs in matters related to people and especially in favor of their loved ones. Being extroverted, his contacts are wide-ranging. Face-to-face relationships are intense, pleasant, and loving, although they may be achieved so infrequently that close friendships are rare.
Introverted intuition
Like their INFJ relatives, ENFJs are blessed by introverted intuition with clarity of perception in the inner and unconscious world. The dominant Sentiment prefers to find the ray of hope in even the most miserable perceptions of those in its growing circle of friends and, of course, in themselves.
In less well-balanced individuals, such mitigation of the unseemly undermines the integrity of the ENFJ. In healthier individuals, skillful use of this awareness of the inner needs and desires of others allows this crafty type to win friends, influence people, and avoid compromising entanglements.
The dynamic nature of their intuition moves ENFJs from one project to another with the certainty that the next will be perfect, or that it will be much closer to perfection than the previous one was. ENFJs are continually looking for new and better solutions to benefit their extended family, staff, or organization.
Extraverted feeling
The Sensation is extroverted. ENFJs can manage the details, especially those required to implement the prevailing vision. However, this data has a magical flexible quality. Something that must be bought can be obtained easily; that very thing is invaluable when it comes to selling it.
(We are not sure, but we suspect that such is the influence of the primary function.) These vacillations of sensory perception are possible due to the weaker and less mature status with which the tertiary is endowed.
Introverted thinking
Introverted Thinking is the least obvious and the most enigmatic of this type. In fact, it often appears only when it is needed by the Feeling. The Thought, sometimes only in jest but also seriously if necessary, considers as logical only those conclusions that support the values of Feeling.
The 16 personalities assessment – a very successful personality test
The “16 Personalities”, based on the Indicator by Carl Jung and Myers Brigg, was published in 1943 and is based on the existence of a wide range of personalities. As I found it interesting, I decided to do it to verify how accurate it really is, to my surprise it could not be more exact, since the results described my personality very well.
At the end of the test, a result is obtained through a 4-letter code, formula created according to the typology of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers, it also gives you a table in:
- percentages of your preferences,
- personality type,
- way of communicating and
- way of learning.
Answer as honestly as possible to get the most immediate and clear answers!
Carl Jung and the 8 types of personalities
According to Carl Jung “, every personality is definable and concrete.”
Based on this statement and the different typologies of Jung himself, Isabel Briggs Myers together with her mother created what is now known as the “16 personalities test.”
An article published by citing Carl Jung’s work Psychological Types, where the author mentions that there are 8 types of personalities and that these arise from the combination of two «attitudes»: extraversion and introversion, and 4 basic functions of the human being: thinking, feel, intuit and perceive so that through the evaluation of these factors mentioned the final code of your personality is obtained.
INFJ – the rarest personality type
Of all the types, there is the case of one, in particular, that is the one that befalls the least among the population, and it is the INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feelings, Judging).
Only 1.5 of the world population has this type, and it is a shame since this type of people is inspiring and altruistic, commonly called “guardians”, and although they move with feelings, they know how to use their judgment in an appropriate way to resolve situations to the good of the majority.
They are characterized by being sensitive but not dreamy, insatiable workers especially when they have the task of achieving something for the good of humanity, an example of this type of personality is Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
According to the description of the same test about this type, it states that people with this personality “act with creativity, imagination, conviction, and sensitivity not to gain an advantage, but to create balance.“
ENFJ, along with INFJ, are among the rarest personality types, according to the MBTI test. ENFJs are in tune with what others feel and really want those they care about to be happy. In whatever field they choose, Teachers consider people their highest priority. In return, they enjoy the pleasure that comes from feeling that they are helpful to others.
Their strongest interest is to be a catalyst for the change of others. They are also very protective of their loved ones. So, do not be so surprised if you see an ENFJ fighting his teeth off to obtain something!
If you have any questions or comments on the content, please let us know.
FAQ on Are ENFJ rare?
How rare is the ENFJ personality type?
The ENFJ personality type is amongst the rarest, with only 2.5% of the population. Next, we have INTJ with 2.1%; ENTJ with 1.8%; and the rarest – INFJ with 1.5%.
What is the rarest personality type?
The rarest personality type is INFJ, making up only 1.5% of the population. They are characterized by being sensitive but not dreamy, insatiable workers especially when they have the task of achieving something for the good of humanity, an example of this type of personality is Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
Are ENFJs kind?
The ENFJ profile is a warm, empathetic, sensitive, and responsible person. They are also very sensitive to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. The ENFJ type does not hesitate to help others reach their potential.
Are ENFJs popular?
ENFJs definitely enjoy being popular and admired by others, this is why many people think they are lovely people to hang out with. They are innate, popular, and charismatic leaders. They are usually good communicators and use their gift of expression. ENFJs make decisions based on how they feel about a situation rather than the reality of that situation.