In this article, we will answer the following question: Are ENFJ introverted? We will describe the ENFJ personality or the ethical-intuitive extrovert, one of the rarest MBTI types.
Are ENFJ introverted?
ENFJ are far from introverted. ENFJs are strong extraverts; they have good communication skills and sincerely enjoy spending time with other people.
ENFJs have:
- Good verbal, communication skills
- They are very receptive to people’s thoughts and motivations.
- Know how to motivate, to inspire, to reveal the best of others
- They are very affectionate.
- Their presence is sufficient; they have a sense of humor; they are optimistic, energetic, they know how to play.
- They are thoughtful
- They can move forward after they have failed in love, even if they blame themselves first and foremost.
- They are loyal and responsible; they want long-term relationships.
- They are for “win-win” solutions in conflict situations.
- They focus on the needs of others.
ENFJ: Ethical-intuitive extrovert
1. ENFJ is a severe person, focused on global issues. They see the world in dramatic, even tragic colors, and they expect all kinds of inconveniences. Their leitmotif is the four musical notes from Beethoven – the reason for destiny.
ENFJ is inclined to put personal problems in a global perspective and to solve them in the same way; he often tends to be a benefactor of humanity; he just captures the emotional state of those around him, he knows how to use the opportunity that gives him the development of the situation.
2. The ENFJ is not ashamed of his emotional states and does not hide the thing he values most about himself is the depth and diversity of affections; for this, he appreciates others, so he has a strong attraction to poetry, music, speaks with ease not only about positive emotions but also negative ones such as fear, hatred.
As temperament is most often choleric with a healthy nervous system, dynamic but unbalanced, sometimes has sudden outbursts of joy, whims, and unexpected periods of pessimism. Still, all this usually lasts a short time, disappearing as fast as they appeared. He is active, friendly, but changeable, he is enthusiastic about many, but he quickly becomes indifferent, enjoys working with people, is human, and loves life.
3. The ENFJ is attentive to people, but sometimes he is mean and too demanding, feels sorry for people, seeks to help them in difficult times, and finds it difficult for those around him.
He lacks ease in accepting life; he knows people well; he feels their teeth negative and positive; he observes particularities that others do not follow; he appreciates things clearly and accurately. He feels great pleasure when he relies on his intuition; he knows how to predict how that person will behave in a certain situation concrete.
4. The ENFJ expresses his feelings towards his partner not through caring for him but also through dramatic stories and warnings about the misfortunes that may befall him. This is very important for his dual (Gorky) who does not really anticipate the future.
5. Courageously faces a particular situation when he has weighed it and prepared everything carefully, waits and takes precautions about all possible inconveniences after which he acts safely, seeks to bring things to an end, and strives to win at any cost, he prefers a defeat to a compromise, in extreme situations his caution evaporates completely.
6. When a person, a community, or even a large mass of people is in a state of disorientation, the ENFJ knows how to control their state of mind, to show determination, to direct and lead them after him, he knows how to electrify the masses, to arouse their enthusiasm.
These are his fundamental procedures, he knows how to convey his conviction to them, but he usually lacks a strong will, the tenacity, the patience, and that prevents him from succeeding.
7. The ENFJ has special artistic qualities. He knows how to improvise, imitate the voice and gestures of other people, and even if he does not come out like that, those present receive everything adequately under the impression of previous emotions and previous state of mind.
8. The ENFJ has a state of inner energetic tension, he expects danger, he wants to be prepared for it; he is cautious, he hardly endures inactivity, he is preoccupied with finding a purpose, but he thinks rather than acts.
He is a strategist, he knows how to divide the forces in time, he has a serious attitude, full of responsibility towards everything, he does not like to execute several things at once, better one thing, but thorough.
9. The ENFJ tends to always have doubts, oscillations, sometimes he makes the impression of imbalance, of a slightly aroused person, for example, he is irritated by all unnecessary movements, he sees the world too much in motion, he does not like to show initiative.
He prefers the feeling of reason, he often does not like mathematics and other exact sciences, he dreams of distant and unachievable things, he is convinced that all that is good will end badly sooner or later.
10. The ENFJ does not perceive enough the material character of the world around him, he feels the need for someone to tell him: look what kind of dog this is, look what a car this is, and take care to get the necessary things. He knows that he needs a new coat, but he finds it difficult to buy it himself, but instead, he is well versed in old and precious things, antiques, things interest him especially in terms of the history related to them.
11. The ENFJ has a specific kind of behavior that seems arrogant as if he gives too much importance, does not like to take care of household chores in the presence of others, generally does not like to work when others are present when he can give them all sorts of tasks to get rid of them.
He is very afraid that his movements, his gestures are unsightly, he forces himself with great efforts to create comfortable conditions around him, to surround himself with pleasant people, to feel at ease.
12. The overly pronounced tendency to empathy sometimes makes the ENFJ avoid stressful movies, impressive shows, if you call him at night and ask him, “Did I wake you up?” He will happily answer, “Yes, you woke me up.” A man like Dostoevsky, who is also prone to empathy, will answer, “You didn’t wake me up,” but in a voice that suggests you were out of common sense.
ENFJ – The generous
They are generally found in the following characteristics:
• Really interested in people
• Respects people’s feelings
• They like structure and organization
• Value harmony and I know how to create it
• Have abilities with people
• They don’t like cold and depersonalized logic, too analytical
• They are good organizers
• Loyal and sincere
• Creative and imaginative
• They like challenges
• They like to help those around them
• Sensitive to criticism
• They need approval from those around them to feel good
ENFJs are very flexible and have many options in choosing a profession. As long as they work with people and have enough challenges to stimulate their creativity, they will do very well:
Possible careers for ENFJ
- Consultant
- Psychologist
- Office clerk
- HR
- Manager
- Event coordinator
- Sales representative
- Politicians / Diplomats
- Writers.
What are the MBTI types?
Isabel Briggs Myers, along with her mother Katharine Briggs, developed Jung’s theories, obtaining a methodology and system that can be implemented to understand and evaluate each person’s favorite personality and behavior.
Together with the other personality theories and psychometric models, the MBTI model has a particular utility for:
– understanding and self-development
– understanding and helping others
– understanding the motivation of others
– understanding the strengths and weaknesses of others
– teamwork – ensuring the representation of all relevant and necessary skills
– allocation and acceptance of tasks and projects
– accepting roles and development together with others and for oneself.
Myers Briggs theory and the MBTI model are not measuring intelligence, competence, emotional state, mental stability, or maturity and should be used with great care to assess aptitudes for a particular profession.
People have at hand multiple ways to practice a profession, and the MBTI model does not provide clues about commitment, determination, passion, experience, ambition, experience, etc. nor does it highlight cases of `type forgery.` All of these have a much greater influence on success than a simple personality test.
Measuring and categorizing a person’s personality or behavioral style according to their preferences – one from each of the four scales (E-I, S-N, T-F, J-P), the MBTI system forms 16 main types, each type being represented by a four-letter code.
If you are curious to read more about the MBTI types, click here.
Final thoughts
ENFJ stands for Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging. Thus, we cannot consider an ENFJ introverted. BUT, we can’t also put all people in the same basket, and we cannot say that every ENFJ out there is an extraverted.
The ENFJ is a strategist, he knows how to divide the forces in time, he has a serious attitude, full of responsibility towards everything, he does not like to execute several things at once, better one thing, but thorough – characteristics which we will often find describing an introvert.
Do you agree with our thinking? If you have any comments or questions on the content, please let us know!
FAQ on Are ENFJ introverted?
Can ENFJs be shy?
ENFJs can be shy, as they have a strong Fe empathy and sympathy for the people they like. Many ENFJs are shy in social situations because they want to be liked by everyone and put a lot of pressure on themselves.
Are ENFJs intelligent?
Most ENFJs value intelligence both in themselves and in others. They are interested in the possibilities behind what is already apparent, as well as the ways in which these possibilities can affect others.
Do ENFJs fall in love easily?
ENFJs tend to fall in love easily, and they are usually committed to a single person. When they set their eyes on someone, they typically spend a lot of time pursuing them and trying to make them happy.
What are ENFJs like?
As temperament, the ENFJ is most often choleric with a strong nervous system, dynamic but unbalanced, sometimes has sudden outbursts of joy, whims, and unexpected periods of pessimism, but all this usually lasts a short time, disappearing as fast as they appeared.