Am I an INTJ or an INTP? (A complete guide)

In this guide, we will help you answer the question “Am I an INTJ or an INTP”, delve into understanding these personality types and other interesting aspects of the INTJ and INTP.

If you are interested in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), there is a chance that you may have taken the test at some point. The INFP and INTJ personality types are often touted to be logical, intelligent, emotionless, and amateurs while navigating the social side of life. They appear to be aloof, with an enigma that surrounds their personality. Both these personalities remain unperturbed by an authority. Sometimes, you might find yourself confused between INTJ and INTP. “Am I an INTJ or an INTP”?. “Where do I fit better?”

It’s almost like “It’s blue. But is it Prussian or Sky?”. The INTJ and INTP personality types appear similar with barely any differences between them. Notice how they also share three common elements? Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Thinking (T). However, there is more to this than meets the eye. Let us see!

Am I an INTJ or an INTP?

The INTJ personality type directs their sensing and thinking outwards. While the INTP personality type directs their intuition and feeling outwards.

INTJ or INTP? Blue or shades of blue?

INTJ essentially stands for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Thinking (T), Judgement (J). While INTP constitutes Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Thinking (T), Perception (P). Both these personality types often garner confusion. Individuals find themselves wondering which personality type they fit better. Despite the commonalities, there is a vast difference between the two personality types. An understanding of the cognitive functions of each of these personality types will help you see the difference. Only blue? No. As different as Sky blue and Prussian blue? Exactly.

The INTP cognitive functions( :

Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)

Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)

Inferior Function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

The INTJ cognitive functions look like this:

Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)

Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Tertiary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Inferior Function: Extraverted Sensing (Se)

Notice how both these personality types don’t share cognitive functions? There is a considerable difference between both these personality types. It is not just the perception (P) and judgment (J) element that sets them apart.

INTP and INTJ: Key Differences

INTJs are direct, while INTPs take the flexible route

The INTJ person is likely to direct their sensing and thinking in the outward direction. While the INTP person will direct their feelings and intuition outward. As a result, the INTJ personality is blunt and logical. They are known for their directness. They appear to be open to a healthy challenge or debate while being self-assured in their stance.

The INTP person is more likely to dwell over the information for a long time, before molding a conclusion. Since they direct their intuition and feeling outward, they appear to be less self-assured in comparison to the INTJ. They approach situations with a certain flexibility, discussing the many theories and view-points, before setting on a conclusive answer. The INTP view of the truth often appears blurred, since they are likely to perceive everything from multiple standpoints. Consequently, the INTP person might be skeptical in nature.

Intuition v/s Thinking

The INTJ person strongly relies on their intuition. Introverted intuition is their dominant function. This allows them to seek meanings underlying a situation. They envision the future.

The INTP person thrives on logical analysis. They approach situations with a problem-solving stance, thanks to their dominant function of Introverted Thinking. They create visions of future possibilities, yet logically analyzing the situations, is their go-to way of functioning.

Aha! Where did that insight come from?

Relating to the point above, the INTJ will have an inkling that pops out of the blue. Imagine, eating your cereal on a Monday morning, twiddling the spoon in the bowl aimlessly, when you suddenly realize that you might have found a solution to the problem that kept you up all night four days back! Next thing you know, you are at your study desk solving it.

If you are an INTP, you will examine and analyze the information/data to generate multiple outcomes and then settle on the most plausible piece of data that forms an insight. For the INTP, this insight/inkling can be traced back to a theory, object, or idea. 

Organized – Outside or Inside?

The INTJ person is ruled by the function of Extraverted Thinking. This means they like their external worlds to have a sense of structure and organization.The INTJ person likes to ensure the streamlining of work. They will delegate work, directing people to ensure structured functioning.

The INTP person is ruled by the function of Introverted Thinking. They are highly concerned with an organized internal world. The state of their external environment does not bother them, like their INTJ counterpart. They will sort out and classify their thoughts, ideas, theories into mental compartments. For every incoming piece of new information, they need to know which mental category to fit it in.

Dealing with stress

Almost everyone around experiences stress at some point or the other. Under these moments, the INTP person and INTJ person are likely to be more in tune with their personality type than usual. The INTP person will be detached and channel their focus on analyzing the problem through thinking. While the INTJ person will carry out a similar action directed by the intuition.

The INTJ type is likely to perceive situations with an undertone of personal and become reclusive. They focus more on abstract scenarios. The INTP person, on the other hand, will focus their train of thoughts on analyzing data and past experiences.

Generally, in situations of extreme or chronic stress, all personality types are affected. These “grip” reactions manifest differently in each type. The INTJ and INTP reaction to stress also differ.

For the INTJ, such stress warrants behaviors that cater to their sensory indulgence. From binging on tubs of Baskin-Robbins and copious servings of Chinese take-away to downing shots at the club; over-indulgence is often the go-to coping mechanism for the INTJ person.

For the INTP, chronic stress constitutes an extremely emotional and insecure outlook. This is in contrast to their usual detached, let’s-look-at-this-logically self. They become concerned about people’s liking towards them. The INTP personality is likely to take things personally.


The INTJ person is driven by the need to improve the external world. Whatever knowledge they carry, they believe it must be employed to increase the efficiency of the world outside.

On the other hand, the INTP learns to enhance their understanding of the world. For them, the information learned is used to broaden their horizon of learning.

Do we like a good challenge?

The INTJ person is not concerned with social approval. Extraverted Feeling (Fe) which is associated with social feedback is not their primary function. They cling to their personal value (FI) and are concerned with meeting objective goals (Te). If people dismiss their plans or disagree with them, the INTJ person is not too bothered. They are likely to prove themselves through the outcome.

For the INTP personality type, Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is a primary function. Hence, disagreement from those around stirs up frustration in the INTP person. Their desire for positive social feedback back-fires, every time someone challenges their thinking.

Variety or specific?

The INTP personality is more likely to have a broader range with respect to different things. These interests don’t fit a particular type or category. They may appear to be a haphazard, mumbo-jumbo of interests.

While the INTJ will have a more specific and selective taste in things. This also leads to them having special knowledge about it. For example, the INTJ may have a keen liking for pop and rock in music or romantic comedies and drama in movie picks. However, the INTP person will swim in an array of music genres like rock, pop, metal, and country and swing from thrillers to comedies, drama, and sappy romantic movies.

Why is this blog important?

This guide attempts to examine the differences between the INTJ and INTP personality type. Often causing confusion due to their commonalities, we dissect the elements that make these personality types widely different. If you have ever been confused, time for some clarity.

 If you haven’t taken the MBTI test yet, here’s where you can take it and find out your personality type among the 16!


In this blog, we answered the question: “Am I and INTJ or INTP?”, discussing the characteristics of the personality types in-depth and understanding the elements that set them apart.

FAQ: Am I an INTJ or an INTP

How do INTP flirt?

According to, the INTP flirting constitutes playfulness, even if it’s a little teasing and slight humor.

What do INTPs find attractive?

INTPs are attracted to people who are passionate about things. Although initially intimidated, they are often drawn to people who are different from them. They have a liking towards qualities of charm and adventure in romantic interests (

Do INTJs get jealous?

INTJs do get envious and jealous, but they channelize it differently. While some people feel bad about themselves, the INTJ person is likely to use this jealousy as a means to improve themselves (

Are INTJs good liars?

INTJs are known for their bluntness. They are direct, honest, and get turned off by lies.

Who are INTJs most attracted to?

According to, 26 % of INTJs reported being most attracted to ENFPs, 13% reported either ENTJs or ENTPs, while 10% claimed other INTJs.

What makes INTP happy?

According to, the INTP person is happiest while engaging in logical acts that command quick, spatial-reasoning. These include time-based IQ tests and mind-games.

How to INTP show affection?

According to, INTP enjoy one-on-one time. Create time in your schedule for your INTP partner. Show interest in their work and what they do. Make an effort to know through a genuine and authentic approach. 



INTJ vs. INTP: How To Tell Them Apart

Are You An INTP or an INTJ? 7 Ways to Tell Them Apart

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