Am I an INFJ or an INFP? (A Complete Guide)

In this guide, we will answer the question: Am I an INFJ or an INFP?

INFP and INFJ are two among the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Often, people can be confused between the two personality types. This can be compared to the color red! Generally, due the many similarities people might not expect many differences between INFJ and INFP. However, there are many differences. It’s not just red. More like crimson red and cherry red!

Am I an INFJ or an INFP?

In the next section, we have outlined the similarities and differences between the two personality types. This may help you find out!


INFP translates to Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feelings (F), and Perception (P). INFJ translates to Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feelings (F), and Judgement (J). Despite sharing three elements (INF), the two personality types are different. Generally, the INFP and INFJ are considered to be idealistic, empathetic and driven by their morals. Often, these similarities might stir up confusion. Yet, it is important to understand both these personality types are different.

Are you confused too?

Here are some ways to find out whether you are an INFP or INFJ.

Cognitive Functions

For the INFP personality type, the cognitive functions are:

 Introverted Feeling (Fi)

 Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

Introverted Sensing (Si)

 Extroverted Thinking (Te)

For the INFJ personality type, the cognitive functions are:

 Introverted Intuition (Ni)

 Extroverted Feeling (Fe)

Introverted Thinking (Ti)

 Extroverted Sensing (Se)

If you notice, both the personality types do not share any function. For the INFP personality type, the function of Extroverted Intuition (Ne) indicates the tendency to identify meanings and draw connections from external data. In the INFJ personality type, Introverted Intuition(Ni) indicates the tendency to develop insights based on their inner world, rather than the external environment.

The Confusion!

In INFP, the letter P indicates “Perceiving”. In the INFJ personality type, the letter J indicates “Judging”. For the INFP personality type, the dominant function is Introverted Feeling (Fi). This is a judging function which sometimes leads the INFP to adopt a sense of structure in their lives. While the dominant function of the INFJ personality type is Introverted Intuition (Ni). This is a perceiving function. Hence, sometimes, the INFJ person makes an effort to understand the world, in the process of adjusting to it. Thus, the two personality types can often be confused with each other

Social v/s Individualistic

The cognitive functions of Introverted Intuition (Ni) and Extroverted Feeling (Fe), leads the INFJ person to ensure harmony in relationships. They tend to avoid conflicts in relationships. They will put in the effort to create a harmonious atmosphere in their social connections. Inevitably, this leads them to often mirroring individuals while interacting with them. They may adapt to people’s personalities in an effort to make them feel comfortable. They are social beings, who seek meaningful connections in relationships. They have  an innate understanding of people, which allows them to navigate through the complexities of human relationships.

While the INFJ person will readily adapt to the personalities of others, the INFP is unlikely to do so. They place emphasis on their individuality. They tend to live in tune with their values. They will strive to maintain harmony in relationships, yet not at the cost of their individuality. They will not mask into the crown merely for the sake of harmony. Staying true to themselves is highly important for the INFP.

Coping With Stress

Stress is a common phenomenon in our everyday lives. It is difficult to evade this mountain. INFJ and INFP individuals will cope with stress differently. In general, the inferior function for every personality type, which is usually unconscious, may manifest  under stressful situations. 

For the INFJ, the inferior function is Extroverted Sensing (Se). In the midst of stress, the INFJ person might tend to be highly attuned to the present. They might act without considering the consequences for the future. This is atypical for the INFJ individual who generally takes every step after careful planning. When stressed they may overindulge their senses by engaging in activities like eating, drinking and other impulsive actions.

Extroverted Thinking (Te) is the inferior function for the INFP. This function is concerned with structure, logic and organizing. When stressed, the generally compassionate side of the INFP may take a back seat. This may be replaced by a critical, judgemental and harsh stance. They might be overly critical of people for no reason.

Focus v/s Distraction

The INFJ person will focus on one aspect or one truth. The function of Introverted Intuition (Ni) allows them to refine their perception by weeding out biases, prejudices that might blur their vision. They will spend a sufficient amount of time pondering over a particular idea until they are able to embrace it completely.

For the INFP, their cognitive function of Extroverted Intuition (Ne) leads them to chart out many possibilities and pathways. Their thinking is more divergent. Resultantly, they may jump from idea to idea, finding it difficult to settle with one. They might find it difficult to persistently commit to one goal.Further, this contributes to their tendency to harbor different interests, often exploring many hobbies at a given time. 


For the INFJ, Fe allows them to be in tune with how others are feeling. They are receptive to others’ emotions. Often, they tend to neglect their own feelings in the process. This receptiveness enables them to experience how others are feeling. They tend to be more aware of the emotional needs of people around them.

For the INFP, Fi allows them to stay in touch with their own feelings. They are able to empathize with others. However, this is unlike the INFJ. The INFP will be able to put themselves in the other person’s shoes and mirror the emotions themselves.

Understanding v/s Validation

The INFJ person wishes to be understood. They are able to understand people well. They are often focused on others feelings, more than their own. They tend to feel disappointed when they are not fully understood by others.

As mentioned earlier, for the INFP, individuality is very important. If others fully understand them, they fear losing their sense of uniqueness and individuality. They seek validation. They wish others validate them as individuals and their ideas.


The dominant function of the INFJ is Introverted Intuition (Ni). They look at the larger picture. They are able to interpret patterns, meanings and metaphors. They are drawn to understanding human behavior. They might feel a sense of detachment from the world around them. They tend to reach the truth only after viewing a particular situation from multiple standpoints. More than drawing from their own feelings to make a decision, the INFJ will tend to look at a situation with multiple lenses, before reaching a plausible conclusion.

For the INFP, the driving force of their personality is Introverted Feeling (Fi). They look at life with myriad possibilities. From one step they are able to sketch multiple pathways. They strongly adhere to their own values, morals and ideals. They make effort to live true to themselves


INFJs rely on  Extraverted Feeling. This is their auxiliary function. This enables them to sense the feelings and emotions of people around them. 

For the INFP, it is the Introverted Feeling. They will scrutinize the situation to see how it fits with their values. They cling to these values that are deeply personal to them. They are independent and seek to live a life in tow with their conscience. Further, they step into the shoes of others to understand the person’s experience from their standpoint. This is called mirroring. Unlikely to alter their ideals to fit in with the crowd. Instead maintaining external homogeneity, they will ensure their internal environment is harmonious

Tertiary Function

The tertiary function of the INFJ is Introverted Thinking (Ti). They will use this function to interpret ideas in a manner that is meaningful for them. They will organize thoughts in their mind, finding a connection to develop a deeper understanding.

For the INFP, their tertiary function is Introverted Sensing (Si). This function allows them to bring an element of nostalgia to their experiences. They will have a very good memory of past experiences. This function allows them to piece together situations of the present with experiences of the past, conjuring up vivid memories.

Inferior Function

The inferior function is the least developed of all the functions for each type. It’s also the most sensitive, and the most “at odds” with the dominant function.

The inferior function of the INFJ is Extraverted Sensing (Se). During stressful situations, this function might be very active. However, in normal circumstances, this function might help the INFJ to regain touch with the world outside.

For the INFP, their inferior function is Extraverted Thinking (Te). In normal circumstances, this function will allow the generally idealistic INFP to bring an element of logic and practicality to their ideas. Oftentimes, in their highly idealistic views, the INFP might miss out the aspect of practicality. The inferior function of Te might help bring a more rounded structure to their ideas and actions.


In this blog post, we answered the question: Am I an INFJ or an INFP?. We looked at the various similarities and differences between the two personality types.

FAQs: Am I an INFJ or an INFP? 

Why are INFPs so weird?

The INFP person values authenticity. They strive to live in a manner that is true to themselves. They do not shy away from expressing their feelings, likes and dislikes, even if it does not fit the general notion. Further, the INFP person has a rich inner world with a wild imagination.They tend to get lost in their thoughts often. They appear to be disconnected with the external world. Hence, to others they might appear to be “weird” (

Are INFPs old souls?

Yes, INFPs are old souls. They often feel disconnected from the rest of the world. They seek deep and meaningful connections. They appreciate depth and authenticity (

Are INFJs clingy?

The INFJ person is considered to be very loyal in relationships. They are very passionate, loving their partner fiercely.They will leave no stone unturned to make their special one feel appreciated. Often, this might come across as clingy behavior (

How rare is an INFJ?

The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest types. They make up for  about 2% of the general population. It is one the least common types among men and the third least common personality type among women (


Are You An INFJ or an INFP? How to Find Out!

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