Aloof Personality Test (A 4 Point Guide)

In this guide we will examine the Aloof Personality Test. We also look at what the aloof personality is, how to be aloof and how to deal with someone who is aloof. 

Aloof Personality Test:

A number of quizzes and tests have been devised to help people find out how aloof they are. Being aloof refers to being distant and detached from other people. Finding out whether or not you have an aloof personality can provide you with a detailed, in-depth analysis of yourself and the areas you need to improve. 

QuizMoz has developed the following quiz to determine Aloof Personality:

  1. I like shopping alone (true/false)
  2. I am a party animal  (true/false)
  3. At a party I (sit in a corner and enjoy the music, sit in a corner, enjoy the food, am the starter!)
  4. On weekends I (Enjoy solitude, paint, spend time with a close group of friends, am in the club)
  5. I appreciate art and literature 
  6. My social circles are mostly made up of (my family, few close friends, no one, around hundred people)
  7. I spend most of my time (in my room, painting, listening to music, socialising)
  8. I am imaginative 
  9. My favourite clothing would be (gothic, simple, smart, provocative)
  10. My friend came home after a heartbreak. I (kept quiet, advised, took her out)
  11. The first thing you will notice about me would be (my silence, my appearance, my smile)
  12. People call me (intelligent, nerd, party animal)

In addition to QuizMoz, Buzzfeed has also devised two tests to measure Aloof Personality. 

What is the Aloof Personality:

The Aloof Personality comes across as unfeeling, awkward and distant from other people. People with aloof personalities generally keep to themselves and appear to care very little about the needs and feelings of those around them. 

The Aloof personality tends to come across as the awkward loner in a group. They seem out of sync with their coworkers and can be difficult to work with. However, understanding the Aloof personality makes it easier for people to understand and get along with them. 

Following are some characteristics of the Aloof Personality:


When a misfortune occurs, this personality tends to blame others or tell them what they did wrong rather than comforting them. Thus, they come across as highly critical and they make people feel ashamed and responsible for their problems. Aloof personalities seem to derive satisfaction from harping on the negative aspects in others. 


Most people like others to know how capable they are, but Aloof personalities tend to come across as arrogant and conceited when they do this. For example, when a person is talking to them about something that concerns them, the aloof personality has a tendency to divert the conversation to themselves. 

Oblivious to Others Emotions:

Aloof personalities seem to be completely insensitive to others feelings. They may be blunt which can hurt other people. Sometimes they may even look down on other people’s feelings. It’s as though there’s a whole level of communication that they’re not able to tap into.

Socially Awkward:

People with aloof personalities often lack social skills or purposely avoid social situations. This can impair their functioning at work. The result is unhelpful assumptions made by both parties. Other people begin to feel like the aloof person is rejecting them and the aloof personality feels excluded by people. 

In a work setting, aloof personalities tend to neglect the social aspect of their work. All personality types have a shadow or dark side, that in some types is exhibited as aloofness. Certain personality types on the MBTI are prime examples of this. The Introverted Thinking types such as INTJ, INTP, ISTJ and ISTP usually exhibit the characteristics discussed above. 

How to Deal with the Aloof Personality:

The Aloof Personality can be a difficult personality to deal with. This difficulty can present itself in a wide range of personal as well as professional situations. Following are some tips on how to deal with Aloof Personalities:

Rise Above: 

It is important to keep your goals and not sink to the same level as the aloof person. Be patient and kind rather than beating them at their own game. 

Be Understanding: 

The aloof personality is often genuinely unaware of others needs and feelings. They are not trying to cause hurt on purpose. They lack the skills to connect and empathise with others. It helps to view these individuals showing a normal human desire for approval or status. 

Deliberate and Consistent Feedback:

A useful technique is to ignore the aloof personality when they are being difficult and reinforce them positively when they are behaving appropriately. Attention, praise, respect, kindness, all work as good reinforcers. Alternatively, direct confrontation could also work. 


It helps to be frank with the aloof person about their behaviour. Here it is important to clarify that you are objecting to the person’s behaviour rather than the person themselves. It is important to create a positive context before you confront the person. 

Assuring the person beforehand, that you care about your relationship which is why you are trying to fix it. This lets the person know that your aim is to cooperate rather than to reject them. 

Aloof personalities can be unpleasant people to be around. Often people don’t want to improve relationships with them. However, this isn’t always an option, particularly in work settings. The person may not improve overnight, but it is worth making the effort if there is a chance that the aloof person can come around. 

How and When to be Aloof:

In some scenarios, having an aloof personality can be helpful. Appearing cold and uninterested can work when there is a need to distance oneself from negative people and toxic relationships. However, before adopting these aloof behaviours, it is important to be aware of why you’re doing so and when it is appropriate to do so. 

Following are some tips on how to be aloof:

Appearing generally disinterested: 

  • Reduce participation in conversations with others: Avoid approaching groups of people having a conversation. Respond politely if someone starts talking to you but keep it brief. 
  • Keep conversations superficial when they occur: Stick to topics like work and weather rather than deeper conversation. Don’t share personal details and avoid asking questions that encourage people to share details about their lives. 
  • Appear calm and unperturbed: An important part of being aloof is now showing any emotions. Even if you’re unable to stay calm on the inside, try to maintain a neutral facial expression and relaxed posture. Approach conversations with the target person in a cool and clinical manner. 
  • Appear busy: Make it seem like you’re busy by not responding immediately to texts or invitations or linger and chat with people. 
  • Avoid rudeness: It is important not to ignore someone completely when trying to be aloof. The aim is to appear emotionally detached and disinterested, whilst maintaining basic politeness. 

Being Aloof towards and Ex-partner:

  • Date or flirt with others: Having a rebound relationship is helpful as long as the individual concerned is ready for it. 
  • Avoid physical contact: When being aloof it is important to limit physical contact as it can be a sign of affection. 
  • Ask other people for help: When tempted to contact your ex it is useful to rely on loved ones instead to vent your emotions.
  • Let go of anger: Being aloof and disinterested in your ex is easier if you forgive them and let go of your anger and hurt. It helps to view the past relationship as a learning experience and focus on positive factors in your current life. 

Choosing the right time to be Aloof: 

  • Use it as a last resort in a conflict: In an interpersonal conflict it is better to try and talk things out first because being aloof can cause permanent damage to a relationship. 
  • Be aloof to distance yourself from toxic relationships: In order to protect yourself from toxic person(s) in your life, it may be necessary to maintain aloofness. This acts as a barrier to emotional involvement with the people who have hurt you. 
  • Maintaining focus at work: Aloofness is not useful in social jobs, such as those that require teamwork. However, if the job is stressful and requires complete focus or if the drama and politics at work are overwhelming, it helps to be aloof. A bit of aloofness can help you focus and meet deadlines. However, it is important not to be aloof with certain people like a boss or supervisor as this could hamper your work experience. 


In this guide we examined the Aloof Personality Test. We also looked at some characteristics of the aloof personality, how to deal with it and how to use aloofness when necessary. 

FAQ on ‘Aloof Personality Test (A 4 Point Guide)’:

What makes someone aloof?

A person may be aloof when they encounter repeated failure or disappointment, when they have had a traumatic past or when they are people who prefer solitude.

Is it good to be aloof?

Although there is nothing inherently wrong with being aloof, it is important to know the reason for it. Aloofness, even with the best of intentions, can put people off you. 

What does aloof mean in Psychology?

In Psychology a person is said to be aloof when they are emotionally detached and distant. 

How do you know if you have aloof behaviour?

Aloof behaviour involves avoiding commitment, avoiding details, keeping secrets and being a mystery to those around you.

Why do you have to play hard to get?

Playing hard to get is necessary in order to increase another person’s desire for you. However, you also run the risk of making them dislike and reject you. 

How do I not appear stand-offish?

In order to avoid appearing aloof it is important to do the following: regulate body language, compliment others, ask questions about others, ask for advice, avoid trying to impress others, assume others have something to teach you, avoid being in negative emotional atmospheres. 


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