5w6 ISFJ Personality Type (A Complete Guide)

This article will answer the question as to whether or not the 5w6 enneagram and ISFJ personality type complement each other and can make up a unique personality type that actually makes sense.

The 5w6 ISFJ Personality: Does It Make Sense?

Although not common, the 5w6 ISFJ is indeed a possible personality type that can exist. This is because both of the personalities that come together to make this type up have an element of introversion in them as they prefer to spend time alone especially when they need to get through problems or ‘recharge’ their social battery.

Although the ISFJ is more creative than the 5w6 enneagram, both of them have strong analytical capabilities and they come together to form a type of personality that is somewhere in the middle – they are great with their mental processes and are able to think in an analytical way with some bit of creativity.

Their traits are tendencies of being shy (the ISFJ) and preference for spending time alone (the 5w6 enneagram) results in a personality type that loves to spend time alone which they greatly cherish. It not only makes them feel good but also allows them to think over things that bother or interest them.

Both of the personalities have issues with people. They tend to cut themselves off when they are stressed out either because they are unable to comprehend the behaviours of the other person or they have the habit of repressing their inner feelings instead of figuring them out. Nonetheless, they have developed a habit of avoidance over time that often leaves the same impact on them – becoming frustrated.

In the article, we will introduce both personality types and highlight similarities that they have so as to demonstrate that this type is not as impossible as it seems to be!


The ISFJ personality types have an innate urge and sense of responsibility to carry on tradition. Hence, they uphold traditions, appreciate rules and systems that have been put in place as well as socially constructed concepts such as those of social norms and community life.

When it comes to ISFJs, these individuals like to make decisions based on facts and figures; they believe in presenting a strong picture backed with much evidence especially when they need to convince someone or take an important decision. These individuals do not like indecisiveness and prefer to take bold and strong decisions that they firmly believe in. They also get quite irritated if someone challenges their thought process with poorly built arguments.

These individuals value commitment and promises very much. So if you ever want to get in the bad books of a Logistician, just lie to them and be irresponsible or lazy. I guarantee you will get a spot in the blink of an eye!

They need someone who will complement their work and not create a hurdle in it. If they find coworkers or friends like that or even a spouse it is a great achievement for them but if they don’t, then they don’t mind being alone because of the peace it brings them to pursue their goals. 

The ISFJ has the feeling function. ISFJs give preference to their day to day dealings and how they understand their surroundings. This is very important in helping a relationship get through. Oftentime it is not possible to rationalize things in a relationship hence one must employ the power of love, mercy and forgiveness to take things forward.

When it comes to ISFJs they are very simple beings who appreciate what is in their environment. They pay very close attention to the details and can spot differences or elements in the surroundings which others can’t. 

People who have sensation as a dominant function have much control over their senses and use them well to not only take in much information but that information which is useful. People who sense give significance to the past and present because they want to learn from experience rather than create new knowledge by experimenting with it in their mind.

The 5w6 Enneagram – The Troubleshooter

The troubleshooter is an enneagram type that is mostly made up of the type 5 enneagram but shares some traits with the type 6 one too. This enneagram is quite logical in their approach to how they understand themselves, others and the world. Hence they do not like to go on what they are told – in a sentimental manner – but how it is told and whether or not it appeals to one’s logic. They like to discuss things in  a systematic and structured manner so they can actually analyze whether everything makes sense or not!

As a result of being logical in their dealings, these enneagram types are quite practical and independent. They know how things work and prefer to keep things simple thus they take up practical steps. They are more of the doers rather than the ones who just keep talking about something and never appear to go forward with actually doing something! It is easier to deal with such individuals because they do what they say and they are action oriented – they actually work by showing and not just telling.

Although independent, these enneagram types are way more cooperative than the typical 5’s are! They like to take others’ opinions into view but this does not mean they won’t do as they wish. They respect how other people think or function but they only feel satisfied and comfortable going ahead with what they believe is right for their own self.

These enneagrams have a strong passion for learning and growing in terms of their skills and strengths. They will read, enroll in courses and attend training programs to boost their skills and knowledge. This helps them make better decisions because they have the right resources which include experience, knowledge and first hand exposure to the real world. They do not like to discuss or engage in things they do not know much about.

The Basic Fear – Trouble For Troubleshooters

The thing these enneagrams fear the most is being useless or unworthy. They are afraid they won’t develop any skills or traits that are actually useful and will help them stand out. They function on the belief that a person is only worthy if they are beneficial.

One of the ways they think someone can be worthy is by seeking to make the world a better place! They want to do this by employing the skills they have learnt of the knowledge they acquire. 

Basic Desire

The basic desire of the 5w6 enneagram is to feel competent and useful of course! They want to feel needed and hence known for a certain skill or trait that people need or think is useful. This is why they set out to gain knowledge and don’t let any opportunity go when it comes to learning new things, gaining experience through courses or programs! 

What Brings Them Together?

In this section, we will look at the following reasons as to why these personalities complement each other and can actually create a unique personality type!

Here are some of the traits they share:

  • Altruistic: Both the personality types engage in helping others because it is what they love to do or feel motivated by it. The 5w6 enneagram feels greatly motivated when they feel as if they are contributing to society. They like to help others excel or even solve their problems – this stimulates their mental processes. The ISFJ is known to be too altruistic to the extent that they overlook their own needs to help others!
  • Aloof: Both of these personalities may be perceived as aloof or distant even if it’s for different reasons. They tend to resort to being alone and private when they feel overwhelmed or shy. The ISFJ has the introverted dominant function and tends to stay apart when it kicks in. The 5w6 enneagram naturally needs time alone too especially when they feel they have too much to think about.
  • Not Hasty: The ISFJ and 5w6 enneagram are not hasty. Whether it involves solving problems or analysing a situation and taking the correct steps to counter it, they like to think things through and make sure they make the right decision.


This article looked at the question of whether or not it would make sense to be an ISFJ and 5w6 enneagram at the same time and what would be the reasons that either support or counter this statement. Furthermore, the article also introduced the two personality types to the audience.




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