The 4w5 MBTI Type (A Complete Guide)

This article will highlight those MBTI personalities that are most commonly associated with the 4w5 enneagram type and why. The article will introduce the 4w5 enneagram as well the personalities associated with it so the audience has a deeper understanding of the topic by highlighting factors such as their strengths, weaknesses, fears and desires.

What Are The 4w5’s MBTI Types?

The 4w5 enneagram is most commonly associated with the following MBTI personality types:

  • The INFJ Personality – ‘Advocates’
  • The INFP Personality – ‘Mediators’

The 4w5 enneagram is more perfectionist and structured in their work and prefer to take a certain route when it comes to achieving their goals or tasks. In this manner it resembles the INFJ personality more which also shares similar traits such as introversion and intuition. However, the judging function plays a big role because it causes the personality type to prefer fixed and structured routines as compared to flexible ones.

However, the 4w5 enneagram is also commonly associated with the INFP personality type because of the introverted traits that they share. As compared to the INFJ, the INFP is more introverted because the INFJ tends to regularly interact with others to help guide them as they like being helpful and are of course ‘Advocates’ for others. Hence, in this sense, the 4w5 is more commonly associated with the INFP type.

We will look at all 3 personality types in detail so that we can demonstrate why the 4w5 enneagram is commonly associated with both the INFJ and INFP personalities from the MBTI inventory.

The 3 Personalities 

In this section, we will introduce the following personalities to the readers:

  • The 4w5 Enneagram
  • The INFJ Personality
  • The INFP Personality

Let’s take a look at all of them!

The 4w5 Enneagram: The Free Spirit

This enneagram type is a combination of traits mostly from the enneagram 4 with some traits from the enneagram type 5 as well. Compared to most enneagram type 4’s, this one is not very concerned with their public image and hence do not worry too much about how others will think of them. Furthermore, the type 4 enneagram is more into developing a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

To develop a deeper understanding of things, the type 4w5 enneagram tends to engage in behaviours like introspection, imagination and deep thinking. They are also very creative as a result and like to focus on their perception of their environment. This enneagram type is driven by a deeper desire to truly understand the world and how it operates. The main purpose behind this is that they want to develop themselves in such a way that they can affect the world profoundly and also develop a self identity; it is important to develop the self keeping in mind the type of place they live in.

By engaging in such behaviours, the type 4w5 enneagram may seem distant at times; others may think they do not want to talk or interact, however in reality they are just too busy thinking about themselves and the world they live in. This might be one reason why people may think they are not too approachable or friendly!

Their ability to spend much time in their mind and the creative thinking style they have allows them to solve problems in a unique and beneficial manner. They are also very much thirsty for knowledge and have an urge to learn more and more about things. Hence, they are smart individuals who keep growing day by day with the knowledge they gain!

Fears & Desires – 4w5s

Apart from having enough knowledge and wanting to impact the world in a positive manner, the enneagram type 4w5 wants to be able to develop their own personal identity in the entire process. They want to be known as someone who is unique and not just like others.

Hence, to achieve this, they will often stay put in their shell where they will introspect their inner selves to actually determine who they are and what purpose they have. They engage in deep thought that allows them to understand themselves more in light of the situation they are in and what is required of them. 

The type 4w5 enneagram also has their fears! The biggest fear they have – apart from not having enough knowledge – is to not be able to impact the world they live in. They want to be able to make a difference using the knowledge and skills they have and benefit people in such a manner that they are remembered or leave behind a legacy. These individuals are quiet and reserved and tend to stay in their own shell at times but they do want to be appreciated for what they do. They don’t even mind getting the recognition they deserve because they are putting in a lot of hard work.

Who Is An INFP? Dominant Functions.

INFPs are introverted which means they tend to be very much into their thoughts and like to spend time reflecting over the many ideas they have going on in their minds. How do they tend to behave in relationships with ENFPs?

Well firstly, they are smart to think over things and then talk about them. When in a fight, they are more likely to avoid friction not only because they have the habit of staying quiet but also because they are people who think before they speak. This way they can actually prevent themselves from hurting the other person and making the situation worse. 

Sometimes expecting too much and saying what you feel may be a bad thing. People who are introverts hence operate on the same frequency at which they understand that some things must be said while others not. This can prevent them from raising the bar of expectations too high and being wise enough to see when a certain topic should be discussed or not.

INFPs realize the power and beauty of imagination and dreams and this allows them to be creative and more interesting not to themselves only but to each other. How they think can become a good source of conversation for them compared to a person who senses and reacts or processes information. They would be more based on facts and not understand the fun in being so creative.

Although it is usually emotions that blur what is truly going on in relationships, they can also help solve problems that may be difficult to rationalize or understand. Yes it is not always possible to make sense of a situation and hence love and mercy are the only weapons two people have to keep themselves bound to each other. 

INFJs – The Advocates.

The typical INFJs have a very thoughtful approach to life where they are absorbed in their creativity, values, deep thinking and inner vision!

Although they aim high and have a sense of creating the perfect world, they are not blinded by their idealism and realize they need to take concrete steps in order to make the world reflect their inner vision of it where people have justice and are treated well. They like to stand up for others and connect to them on a deeper level.

They focus on their thoughts – they are creative, have deep insights and are passionate about what they believe in!

They want to create the perfect world and here their creativity comes into play. With such an imaginative pattern of thought they are able to find diverse solutions to an array of problems people face. This is combined with their principled thoughts that allows them to remain consistent, get through difficult times and serve as an inspiration for others.

These people are very sensitive to criticism. They reflect on it deeply to the extent that it may reduce their productivity and make them feel as if they lag much when in reality that criticism is targeted at a specific element. This may also be because of the fact that they aim to become perfectionists – aiming to be the best version of themselves.

As they are quite sensitive, INFJs are reluctant to open up and may be difficult to understand – this can sometimes create problems in relationships where people are curious to learn more about the other.


This article highlighted the personality types that are commonly associated with the 4w5 namely the INFJ and INFP personality types and not only explained why but also introduced each of them in detail.


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