1w9 vs 4w3 (A 7 Point Guide):
In this guide we will be comparing the 1w9 and 4w3 Enneagram personality types. We will be comparing them and examining their strengths, weaknesses and other aspects of their day to day functioning.
1w9 vs 4w3:
1w9 and 4w3 are personality types in the Enneagram system of personality. 1w9s have a 1 core and a 9 wing indicating that they have type 1 traits, with a few traits of type 9. 4w3s have a 4 core and a 3 wing, meaning that their primary traits are type 4 with a few traits from type 3.
1w9s are called ‘The Optimist’ because they have a tendency to avoid all negativity. 4w3s are called ‘The Enthusiast’ because they are unique and full of life and constantly seeking to stand out and make an impact on the world.
There are some important points of contrast between these two personality types. 1w9s have a basic desire to do the morally correct thing and a basic fear of doing the opposite, i.e. something unjust or unethical. For 4w3s, the situation is different. Their basic desire is to feel unique and special. And their basic fear is not having a significant impact on the world. Thus, 4w3s work extra hard to make sure they stand out.
Both 1w9s and 4w3s are idealistic. However, 4w3s tend to be more self-absorbed than 1w9s. While 1w9s and 4w3s both want to make an impact on the world, they do so for different reasons. For 1w9s it’s based on a desire for social justice and equality. 4w3s on the other hand want to have a significant impact on the world in order to feel important and special.
Both 1w9s and 4w3s value integrity and staying true to themselves. However, yet again, they vary in their motives for doing so. 1w9s have a strict set of standards they abide by in all areas of their lives. They seldom deviate from staying true to these beliefs. While 4w3s also try to be as authentic and true to themselves as possible, they can become so obsessed with doing so that they adopt characteristics from other people that tarnishes some of this authenticity.
Both 4w3s and 1w9s are sensitive to criticism. For 1w9s this is because they view criticisms as a threat to their strongly held beliefs. On the other hand, for 4w3s, this stems from their obsession with standing out and distinguishing themselves in the world.
1w9s are less concerned with their public image than 4w3s. For them, staying true to their beliefs and doing the morally correct thing is more important. However, 4w3s are a lot more open to taking risks than 1w9s. They are also better at following through with their plans and making a good impression on people.
The Enneagram diagram features arrows leading to and from the nine personality types. They serve as an indicator of where an individual with a specific type goes when they are in integration or disintegration. Arrows that move away from a certain personality type indicate disintegration or stress points. Conversely, arrows that move towards a type signify integration or personal growth.
When 1w9s are moving towards disintegration they resemble unhealthy type 4s and become moody and irrational. When moving towards integration they are easygoing and cheerful, like healthy type 7s. 4w3s moving towards integration resemble healthy type 1s exhibiting traits such as objectivity and integrity. When moving towards disintegration, 4w3s become like unhealthy type 2s and tend to be clingy and obtrusive.
- Integrity
- Standing up for those weaker than themselves
- Attentive to details
- Participate in community life
- Imaginative and logical thinking
- Self-awareness
- Aware of inner needs and motives
- Creative thinking
- Genuine and authentic
- Detached or aloof
- Critical of self and others
- Obstinate
- Aversion for all negative experiences
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
- Excessively emotional in the face of stress
- Image-conscious
- Self-doubt and insecurity
- Excessive approval seeking
- Grandiose sense of self (narcissism)
Sources of Stress:
- Corruption and evil around them
- Being ignored or unappreciated
- Being seen as weak or rigid
- Feeling as though they aren’t making a difference
- Failure or disappointment
- Being unable to express themselves
- Spending too much alone time
- Resolving interpersonal conflict
Sources of Motivation:
- Volunteer work
- Creative problem solving
- Peaceful advocacy for social reform
- Personal growth
- Reaching personal and professional goals
- Feeling accepted and appreciated
- Understanding of own emotions
- Artistic self-expression
1w9s prefer peaceful and non-direct involvement in social reform. They don’t usually involve themselves in politics or other forms of active involvement. Instead, they are usually found disseminating their principles in a calm, non-argumentative manner or working in the backdrop of important social movements. Thus, while they are motivated to seek social justice and equality they prefer to do so alone and in a less forceful manner.
Jobs that would be suitable for 1w9s include: judge, guidance counsellor, lecturer, consultant, social worker, journalist etc.
This personality type combines traits of type 3 and 4 which makes them creative and success-oriented people. They are drawn to work environments that actualise their creative potential and allow them to engage with other people. 4w3s are highly self-aware and enjoy expressing this awareness through their art.
Jobs that 4w3s are well suited for include: performer, writer, artist, photographer, stylist, music/dance teacher, journalist, motivational speaker.
1w9s are introverts and prefer to be isolated from others. They tend to find interpersonal relationships too complex for them to handle. This withdrawal enables 1w9s to develop their ideals and prevent them from being challenged by alternative views. 1w9s have a tendency to be highly critical as well as aloof and detached which can hamper their relationships.
However, their Type 9 wing makes them more understanding and tolerant of differences than other type 1s. And although they avoid expressing their emotions, 1w9s care deeply about the few people they allow into their lives.
Although most type 4s are introverts, the 3 wing makes 4w3s sociable and outgoing people. Because of their belief that they are unique or exceptional, 4w3s often believe that others don’t understand them or don’t love them enough. Despite this, they are highly self-aware and make empathetic friends. Additionally, they are good at anticipating the reactions of others which they use to their advantage in social interactions.
1w9s and 4w3s are compatible with each other. They are good at balancing each other out and supplying the qualities their partners lack. For instance, 1w9s can be a source of sage wisdom and advice for the turbulent 4w3s. 1w9s provide some much needed structure and restraint to the boundless creative energy of 4w3s. In turn, 4w3s expressiveness and creativity can complement the 1w9s’ desire for reason and order. Additionally, the emotionally open 4w3s can teach 1w9s to be more vulnerable to their feelings.
Due to the fact that these two Enneagram types have such differing points of view, some problems can arise in their relationship. 1w9s like to be objective, while 4w3s prefer to see things from a subjective point of view. Although both are idealistic, they are idealistic about different things. For 1w9s it’s usually a social cause or global issue, whereas for 4w3s it’s more personal. This idealism also makes both personalities quite condescending and critical and this can affect their relationship. 1w9s tend to find 4w3s too self-absorbed and self-indulgent, while 4w3s find 1w9s rigid and intolerant.
In this blog we examined 1w9 and 4w3 personality types on the Enneagram. We compared them and looked at their strengths, weaknesses, compatibility and functioning in different areas of their lives.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.
Other Enneagram type 1 comparisons
1w9 vs 6w5
1w9 vs 6w7
1w9 vs 7w6
1w9 vs 7w8
1w9 vs 8w7
1w9 vs 8w9
1w9 vs 9w8
FAQ on ‘1w9 vs 4w3 (A 7 Point Guide)’:
What is the rarest Enneagram type?
The rarest Enneagram type is said to be Type 4. This is often because Type 4s go unnoticed because they tend to be introverted and withdrawn.
What do the wings mean in Enneagram?
Wings refer to the type on either side of your basic enneagram personality type, on which you have the highest score. For example, if you test as a 2, your wings will either be 1 or 3, depending on which one has the higher score.
Can you be two Enneagram types?
It is not possible to have two Enneagram types. However, some types have traits in common, such as 1w2s and 2w1s. Additionally, types 7 and 1 often have traits in common.
What does it mean to have balanced wings?
Having balanced wings on the Enneagram means that a specific individual is influenced by two Enneagram types equally. For example, someone with a type 6 core would have balanced wings if they are equally influenced by type 5 and type 7. Butin most cases, one wing is dominant.
What is the most popular Enneagram?
Type 9 is the most popular enneagram.
What is the most common Enneagram type?
The most common Enneagram type is 9.